Frozen Shoulder
Introduction: Is a condition characterised by stiffness and pain over the shoulder joint, also know as “Adhesive Capsulitis”. Stages of Frozen Shoulder: 1. Freezing Stage Any movement of shoulder causes […]
Non Specific Chronic “LBA” (Low Back Ache)
Definition As many as 90% of person with occupational non specific low back pain are able to return to work in a relatively short period of time. Non-specific low back […]
1. INTERFERENTIAL THERAPHY: Low frequency electrical current to stimulate nerve activity. This is designed to give you Pain relief and increase blood flow to the injured area of your body. […]
Sai Orthocare Celebrates 4th Anniversary
Sai Orthocare Celebrates 4th Anniversary
Low Back Pain
Though, Statistics shows 65% of the patients visiting Orthopedic OPDs (Out Patient Departments) complain of Backache. So, what is Backache or Low Back Pain? Low Back Pain or Lumbago is […]
Total Knee Replacement Surgery at saiorthocare.
Knee replacement is a surgical procedure to replace the weight- bearing surfaces of the knee joint with artificial parts to relieve pain and allow patients to be more active. The […]
Vitamin D and its Deficiency
VITAMIN D AND ITS DEFICIENCY What is Vitamin D? Vitamin D is a vitamin important for good overall health and strong & healthy bones. Vitamin D is also known as […]
de Quervain’s Disease
de Quervain’s disease is a painful inflammation of tendons in the thumb that extend to the wrist (tenosynovitis). The swollen tendons and their coverings rub against the narrow tunnel through […]