Non Specific Chronic “LBA” (Low Back Ache)


As many as 90% of person with occupational non specific low back pain are able to return to work in a relatively short period of time.

Non-specific low back pain is defined as low back pain not attributable to a recognizable, known specific pathology (eg, infection, tumour, osteoporosis, lumbar spine fracture, structural deformity, inflammatory disorder,radicular syndrome, or cauda equina syndrome).


Acute – less than 6 wks
Sub Acute – 6 wks to 12 wks
Chronic – 12 wks or more


Traumatic injury
Lumbar sprain or strain
Postural strain

Factors for Chronic Non Specific LBA

Biological factors
Psychological factors
Social factors
Work environment

Chief Complaints

Low back pain (With leg pain or without leg pain)
Muscle Tension
Stiffness (Localized) – Below the costal margin or Above the Inferion gluteal fold

Physical Therapy Management

To reduce the inflammation IFT/Laser
To reduce the muscle spasm JFT/SWD
To reduce the localized pain UST

Ergonomical Advice

Avoid Prolonged sitteig
Practice sidelying position (While getting up from the bed)
Avoid forward bending activities
Avoid long distance travelling
Relaxation (To relieve the stress)
Maintanence of good posture


Apart from the electrical Modalities, ergonomical advice “Muscle Rehabiltation Program” plays the major role.

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