Mrs. B is a 41 year old female presented with c/o pain , swelling and inability to move the right hand following h/o slip and fall from two wheelers on 02/02/2022. On examination gross deformity, swelling and tenderness present over the right forearm, Range of motion restricted and painful. Patient was advised to x-ray. X-ray showed comminuted fracture distal radius with gross displacement. Patient was diagnosed with “COMMINUTED FRACTURE DISTAL RADIUS WITH GROSS DISPLACEMENT”. Patient was advised for admission and surgery.

Pre-operatively: CXR, ECG, ECHO and basic blood profile was done to assess the fitness for surgery along with a physician and anesthetist opinion. And was given fit for intermediate surgery under low risk patient.

Procedure: Under scalene block, after thorough skin preparation of right upper limb was prepared and draped. The distal radius was exposed by a volar incision. The distal radius was found grossly comminuted and displaced. Intraarticular surface grossly communited displaced fracture was reduced and temporally fixed with k-wire under c-arm control. The same was stabilized with 2 holed titanium volar variable angle locking plate with proximal 3 screws and 4 screws distally. The position of plate and screws and fracture reduction was checked under c-arm and found satisfactory. Thorough wound wash given. Wound closed in layers . Compression bandage given.

Post-operatively patient was put on observation for a day in SICU to monitor vitals and other parameters after the surgery.

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